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제우스 어드민 사용예

 jeusadmin    JEUS administration tool

       jeusadmin [-h] [-version] [-fullversion] [-buildversion] [-licensedue]
                 [-licenseinfo] [-verbose] [-jmx-connector jmx_connector_name]
                 [nodename] [-U<username>] [-P<password>] [-f<filename>]
                 [command] [command_option]

         -h: show this usage or show command help
             -h help [options] [command]: show command help
         -version: show version
         -fullversion: show full version
         -buildversion: show build version
         -licensedue: show license due
         -licenseinfo: show license info
         -verbose: show logging information
         -jmx-connector jmx_connector_name: set JMX connector name
         nodename: set node name
         -U<username>: set username
         -P<password>: set password
         -f<filename>: set filename of username and password
         command: execute the command by one-step
         command_option: set options for one-step command executing

$ jeusadmin node명 -Uadministrator -Pjeusadmin startcon 컨테이너명_container4

command 부분에 startcon, downcon 을 사용하면 됨.