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JSEclipse Screenshots


Contextual code completion

    Contextual code completion


Support for major JavaScript libraries


Support for major JavaScript libraries


Suggest parameters to be filled


Suggest parameters to be filled

Use of JSDoc and inline parameter comments to detect parameter type


Use of JSDoc and inline parameter comments to detect parameter type  Use of JSDoc and inline parameter comments to detect parameter type


Code templates


Code templates  Code templates


Content Outline


Content Outline     Content Outline


Open declaration


Open declaration   Open declaration


Syntax Highlighting

Syntax Highlighting


Syntax based code folding


Syntax based code folding


Occurrence marker

Occurrence marker


Scan current file for words


Scan current file for words



Scan current file for words


Error reporting

Error reporting


Reference library


Reference library


Edit in JSEclipse

Edit in JSEclipse


JavaDoc, multiline comments


JavaDoc, multiline comments


JavaDoc, multiline comments


  1. Open the Eclipse workbench.
  2. To install new software with the Update manager, in the main Eclipse menu, go to Help > Software Updates ->Find and Install.
  3. In the user interface that opens, select the Search for new features to install.
  4. In the next step you choose what locations will be searched. If this is the first time installing JSEclipse, you have to add a New remote site. If you already have it defined, skip to step 7.
  5. To define a new site to be searched for available plugins, in the user interface click the New Remote Site button.
    1. The New Update Site dialog box opens. It contains two fields that must be completed:
    2. Name: this will be the label displayed in the Install or Update software user interface. You can enter JSEclipse.
    1. Check the newly added entry's checkbox. This will set it as active for the software search. You can disable or enable sites on which the software search is performed by checking, respectively un-checking them in the user interface
    2. Click Finish to start searching for software. A new window will appear showing the search progress.

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