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Running Eclipse on Windows 7 64 bit

Yesterday I’ve kicked Vista out of my machine and installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. Installation was very smooth on my Lenovo T61p, the only driver I had to install manually was the one for the graphic device. Then I came to the point to install all the applications and frameworks that I need for development. Of course I wanted to install the 64 bit versions whereever possible, and so I did for Java: You can install the 64 bit version of Java 1.6 directly from the Sun Homepage, they ask you about your operating system, no problems there. Next point was then to install Eclipse 3.5, but for any reason the only have one common version for Windows at the Eclipse Download Page. I’ve downloaded that one, tried to start Eclipse and failed. The reason was that the included SWT DLL only works on 32 bit architectures. Therefore I got back to the official download page and searched for a 64bit version of the Java EE Bundle (I always use that cause it already includes all the plugins for web development). Unforunately, I couldn’t find one, so I browsed to the quite hidden download page that lists all the builds of the current development at http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/. There you can choose a 64 bit version, but that’s not the Java EE bundle. Anyways, I downloaded that and unzipped it (be careful to not have blanks in the path where you install Eclipse, cause that won’t work as well) and then I manually all the plugins from the Galileo page (http://download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo) for Web, XML and Java EE Development. Together with the Apache Tomcat 6.0.20 installation (there is no specific 64bit version there), everything works fine now.

출처: http://www.catalysts.cc/en/blog/running-eclipse-on-windows-7-64-bit/

[설치후 필요한 툴]

Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP): http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/updates/